‘We know how special this contribution is and any legacy gift means the world to not just this Unity team but all the Unity teams that will come after us.’


Unity Legacy Giving is the name of Unity’s posthumous, will-based donation system that has been such a strong source of support in the past and constant source of inspiration for the future.

One of our primary roles as a charity is not only to foster and nurture Liverpool-based talent but also to ensure that people feel they have a place of belonging and happiness that they may not find elsewhere.

The happiness and sense of belonging that we strive to create at Unity, will always continue with our future generations. We don’t know yet what this happiness will look like, who it will come from or to who it will belong but by donating to the future of Unity we take a step into guaranteeing that joy and sense of belonging will still be there.

We only have to look to Unity’s Creative’Pool programme and the monthly Queer Creatives MeetUp to see how this joy can shine. The monthly get together has become not only a safe and creative space for the members but also a strong group of friends and social circle.


For further information and how to leave a Legacy gift please contact info@unitytheatre.co.uk


The Greg Greenidge Trust

We thought this would be a perfect opportunity to highlight the incredible legacy gift of the Greg Greenidge Trust.

An annual donation that has helped to catapult individual creatives into their chosen industry with direct financial investment. With the sum going to a specific individual each year it is a truly beautiful example of the joy, happiness and opportunity that can be brought about as a result of legacy giving.

After losing Greg tragically in a car accident, his family chose to honour his dedication to youth work in the arts with this legacy donation to Unity. Unity was the place that Greg was able to explore his love of performing with roles in productions like ‘Man Friday’ and ‘SUS’. And as a result of his families beautiful commitment it has continued to be the place for even more actors, directors and producers to develop their passion and find a place they belong.


The Gift

The Greg Greenidge Trust is of course an incredible feet of generosity. Any legacy gift, whether big or small is truly appreciated by Unity. We know how special this contribution is and any legacy gift means the world to not just this Unity team but all the Unity teams that will come after us.

This could be a one-off donation to a specific area of Unity you loved or a regular donation to something more general. Or of course no specification at all. There are no rules and specifications about how your money has to be given, used or distributed. It is such a touching tribute for us to be remembered in this way that it can be used in any way you would like.

If you do however choose to specify an intention behind your donation then we will make sure to keep your family and loved ones updated on the happiness your donation has brought to Unity and its community.

For further information and how to leave a Legacy gift please contact info@unitytheatre.co.uk