Since Mid-March 2020 we have been unable to operate our building as a result of the Coronavirus outbreak. In the time that has past we have consulted with artists and audiences to try and best understand how to help you through this period. You can read more about our 2020 here.
The result of these chat’s has seen us launch initiatives like our Resource Centre, Open Call Programme, Building a Future Support Programme, What’s Online Calendar and Unity Online.
However, nearly one year on from the initial set up of this page, there are still so many more of you we’d love to hear from. If you have any thoughts or ideas on how we can be working with you to support you creatively or practically, or if you have any concerns you would like answering, please use the form below to let us know. We also welcome any feedback you have of our current work to date.
Thank you, as always, for your on-going support.
How can we help? (Artists)
If you are an artist or creative working in Liverpool, please use the open text box below to share any ideas, concerns or plans that we could be of help with.
How can we help? (Audiences)
To our audiences and communities, please use the open text box below to share any ideas, concerns or plans that we could be of help with.