Thank you for your interest in having your work exhibited on ProPortal. To submit your work for upload, please complete the below form.

Before you begin, please ensure you have read the below information on criteria. The form will take you a maximum of 10 minutes to complete. Here’s a list of the information you’ll need to provide before you get started:

For everyone:

  • Company Name
  • Company Bio
  • Contact Details

For shows available to tour:

  • A link to a video of the show (full performance, scratch or reel)
  • Is the show available to book? Y/N
  • When is it available for tour?
  • Show blurb
  • Audience Feedback (if available)
  • Number of people who will travel with the show
  • Any additional documents (if available) – audience plan, tech rider, show pack, production images, trailer etc.
  • Does the show have the option of access performances? Y/N
  • Any wraparound activity available (e.g. workshops etc.)
  • Suitable for [black box, end on, thrust, in the round, any configuration, outdoors, online, other]

For artists available for commission:

  • Blurb on what you are available for
  • A video(s) to support your practice (previous show recordings, reels, scratch)
  • Audience feedback on previous work
  • Organisation feedback on previous work

What artists & companies can exhibit on ProPortal?

Artists who meet all of the following criteria may submit their work for exhibition on the portal:

  • You have work(s) available for tour booking or online exhibition (online, in venue or outdoor)
  • You have a quality recording of the work that is available for tour (this can be a scratch performance and does not need to be on professional equipment so long as the quality of the recording is clear and the visual and audio are accessible).
  • The work adheres to industry standards regarding worker rights, music licensing and safeguarding
  • The work is not harmful, derogatory or discriminatory
  • A company/artist wide commitment to accessibility and inclusivity.
  • The work does not need to be a ‘traditional’ performance. See below for genre criteria.

If you are an artist who has a recording of a previous show but not one currently available for tour, you may also submit this to be listed as “Artist Available for Commission”. By submitting for commission you are allowing programmers and producers to contact you for conversation based off your previous work, so ensure you are happy it represents your working practice now.


Once I have completed the form, what happens next?

Once you have submitted your entry, it will then be assessed and uploaded to the website by the ProPortal team at Unity.

You will then be contacted by Unity, who will inform you that your entry is now live.

We encourage all artists to promote the portal and use it as a place to direct contacts to as a one-stop shop for sharing information about your work.

Please note, Unity may contact you for additional information if necessary. For example we may require a higher resolution image, or for you to amend your video settings to allow embedding.