By Flood Theatre
Available to watch until August 2023
Filmed live at Unity Theatre
There’s something very lovely about holding someone, their soul, their body warmth. I think it’s tribal…you just have this- I don’t know, a sense of home, I guess? It’s connection, isn’t it? I mean, it’s strange…We’re extensively connected to people all the time through technology, but it’s all fake. Really I think we’re probably more lonely than ever.
Touch is a piece of verbatim theatre created by Flood Theatre through a series of interviews on connection and belonging with young people in Liverpool. Following the pursuit of connection, Touch looks at the ways we find love, create intimacy, experience loneliness, and ultimately find our home.
How to Watch:
Touch will be available to watch on Unity Online until August 2023.
Watch this film for £6: You can watch the show through Vimeo for just £6, by clicking the Watch Now button. Once you have purchased your individual film you will be able to watch it as many times as you like in the three-month watch period.
Watch the whole playlist for just £25: Unity Online will drop a new playlist of at least 6 productions every three months (August, November, February & May). You can watch each production individually for £6 or save money by purchasing all films in the drop for just £25.
Watch everything for free as a Member: Unity Circle Members receive access to each playlist drop for free as part of their membership. Sign up for a Unity Circle Membership today from just £2.50 a month / £30 a year, and access our on-demand content whenever you want.
About Flood Theatre:
‘We claim space for untouched, unheard stories by forging creative collaborations with those around us to make authentic and responsive theatre. Our work is defined by our tonal style and our use of mixed media; we make theatre that floods the senses. All of our work is made in a participatory fashion, be this through workshops, devising, interviews or in partnership with new artists – we make work that is innovative and collective. Collaboration is at the heart of everything we do.’
Instagram account : FLOOD (@floodtheatre) | Instagram
Website : FLOOD (