Access! Where to start when starting out?: Creative’Pool Workshop

Monday 30th September



This is a gentle introduction for theatre makers to consider access in their work. As a group we will explore:

  • What is access?
  • How can access be part of the process instead of an ‘add on’?
  • What are the creative ways we can think about access?
  • How can we make the creative process more accessible for you and the people and the people you work with?
  • Money! I want some, how do I get it for my project?


This workshop will be led Mandy Redvers Rowe and Dora Colquhoun. Mandy has written for television, radio, and stage. She is a DANC Ambassador, was in the BBC Writersroom Access Group 2020, and is part of the Graeae Beyond Programme.  As an Access Consultant, she specialises in supporting arts organisations, and works as a Creative Audio Description Consultant.


Dora Colquhoun is a Neurodivergent theatre maker based in Liverpool. Dora has worked with Mandy on projects such as ADHD The Musical and The Lodger which is touring in September 2024. Dora is a lover of grabbing people out the audience and making them do things.