When Another Dragon Roars
Tuesday 18th February
Mum and Alfie are going camping – to get away from everything.
To have some quality time together. Alfie finds it hard to talk about his feelings. His Mum does too. They share stories about Dragons! Scary ones, sulky ones, even angry ones – and they discover that their emotions, just like Dragons, are tricky beasts. Sometimes they need to be tamed, and sometimes, they need to be released. When Another Dragon Roars Fuses Altered Scale Theatre’s outstanding puppetry with Petite Ullaloom’s distinctive storytelling, promising a memorable experience for children and adults alike. It’s a story of a mum and boy learning emotional resilience and how stories help us figure out a complicated world
“It taught m e about breathing when you feel a Dragon inside.”
Young Audience member
“Fantastic theatrical experience for both adults and children. Moving,
sad and uplifting.”
Adult Audience Member
“The representation of anxiety with the dragon in the room was so
accurate! The library felt like a safe space to watch something like this.”
Danielle McLauren. Theatre maker/Teacher
“All my class sat for the whole duration, animated and engaged, great to
talk about emotions at the end.”
Teacher-Hayfield SEN school|
“Once again, Lucy Fiori and Austin Hewitt have come up with magic on
stage, a set of touching stories woven together”
Ian Hall- Reviewer
Directed by Kevin Dyer
Devised by Lucy Fiori and Austin Mitchel-Hewitt
Age Guide: 5 + and family groups