Woman | Women

Friday 15th November



Woman | Women is a physical and comedic show that takes an academic deep dive into the fast-paced nature of lesbian relationships. During each performance, acclaimed performer, Rowena Gander, fuses performance art and physical theatre to ambitiously find and navigate a new and featured duet (relationship). The real time relationship questions links between pace, compatibility, attachment, and scarcity mindsets in lesbians and how those components impact the relationship a lesbian has with herself.  


This show will include a curtain raiser performance.



Produced, directed, performed, and choreographed by Rowena Gander 

Featured duet performance and collaboration by (to be named after each performance) 

Lighting Design by Phil Saunders 

Sound Design by Noel Jones 


Praise for Rowena Gander:

“Outstanding performance” – North West End  

“Impressive physical performance… brutal.. yet hilarious” – Writebase  

“Gander is an incredible physical theatre performer” – Number 9